It is a new type of school year for everyone, and that is bringing uncertainty to all ages. Typically there are some jitters going back to school, are we’re all well aware that this year will be like no other.

Below are some tips that may be helpful for your family as you all ease into this school transition. These will apply if your student is being homeschooled, learning virtually, or attending in person classes.

  1. Before your child starts school, have an honest conversation with them about what to expect. It will help them make the transition.
  2. Let your child vent. Everybody needs somebody who is their sounding board. Let them talk about what is on their mind and be sure to take the time to actively listen. Be there for them and guide them in their thinking. Let them know everything will be okay and that you believe this decision is the best for them. Be consistent in your reminders as they adjust to their new normal.
  3. Let your child personalize their space and supplies. Let your student pick out their new supplies and decorate their learning space if possible. The in person class might be different vs. learning at home, and make a learning space in your home for them to complete their work will support them. Allow them to decorate this space instead. Having a meaningful space will encourage learning.
  4. Places. Things. These offer foundational support:
    1. Your student needs people in their life who believes in them, is there to offer them a safe space to vent, and gently guides them whenever possible.
    2. Your student needs places to feel supported. Their environment or learning space is more important than ever. Let them design it, invest in furniture that supports their learning posture, and so what if they want to paint the walls – they can always be repainted at some time.
    3. The ‘things’ for the student is just that, their favorite ‘thing’. Whether it be a poster, book, toy, picture, etc – have the ‘thing’ in their space that they enjoy and that relaxes them.
  5. Have a daily routine will help and encourage positive behavior. Take time out to enjoy the outdoors and breathe in fresh air. Spend time together doing something fun that you both enjoy.

Take it one day at a time. We are all working with so many unknowns right now. We will get through this together.

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