While spending additional time at home, with family, or even alone, we have more time on our hands. Even though we are embarking on a downturn, we as leaders can grow and foster our hearts and minds.. A few of my favorite books below might spark your interest and who knows, unleash a new part of you! Let’s focus on embracing ourselves for the future!
A few recommendations for you:
- The Law of Divine Compensation, by Marianne Williamson. On work, money and miracles
- Swimming with Sharks in Dark Water, by Athene Brinson. Having race and working with grace in corporate white America
- Man’s Search for Meaning, by Viktor E. Frankl. Finding purpose and strength in times of great despair.
- Control you Inner Conversations, by Neville Goddard Lectures. The thoughts you think and nuture the most become your reality
- Dare to Lead, by Brene Brown. Brave work. Tough conversations. Whole heart.
Please feel free to share your favorites in the comments below.